Welcome To Lehighton Boys and Girls Band
Providing quality, low cost, private and ensemble musical instruction to Lehighton and surrounding communities since 1910.
Due to concerns related to the community spread of corona virus, the 110th anniversary concert has bee postponed. We will have a post a new date as soon as we have it.
Lehighton Boys and Girls Band
The Lehighton Boys and Girls Band, part of the Lehighton community for more than 100 years, is offering instrumental music lessons for students in Grades 4 – 12. We serve Lehighton and the entire region and currently have students from Jim Thorpe, Palmerton, and Tamaqua, as well as the Lehighton area.
The Lehighton Boys and Girls Band initially initially started as a band called The Engine Co. #2 Boys Band on June 20, 1910 with band director Henry Reiss. The band was later incorporated as the Lehighton Boys Band in 1911.

Calendar of Events
You’ve come to the right place to find out what is up and coming at the Band Hall. Whether it is upcoming concerts, practice, fundraisers, or rentals, you can find it all here.
110th Anniversary Show – Sat, Mar 21 2020, 7PM
Clyde R. Houser Lehighton Borough Annex, Lehighton PA
Calling all Boys and Girls Band Alumni!
At 7:00 PM, on March 21st at the Clyde R. Houser Lehighton Borough Annex we’ll be celebrating our beloved band’s 110th Birthday. To all band alumni – whether you pick up your instrument every day, once a year, or haven’t played since you left the band, we’d love to see you return and celebrate this milestone. And to all community members – you have always been so supportive, generous, and appreciative and we hope you’ll join us for a evening of live music performed by musicians spanning many generations, coming together for one night only.
The concert will also be in honor of band alum Nevin Earl Remaley, who intends to create a financial trust that will help our beloved band thrive in for another century and more. Our alumni include career musicians of every kind, teachers, performers, composers, songwriters, as well as so many people whose lives have been enriched by public music and music education.
If you would like to play in the concert, please contact us for music and more information. There will be a rehearsal the day of the concert, March 21st, at 2:00 p.m. followed by a pizza dinner and of course the concert at 7:00. If you’re not sure about playing or if you require an instrument, we can help! We can loan you an instrument and make sure you have a part you are able to play.
Bingo (weekly Sunday evenings)
Are you feeling lucky? Bingo is held in the downstairs hall every Sunday evening @ 6 PM. Come on in try your luck.
Board of Directors
The Lehighton Boys and Girls Band is operated by a nine member Board of Directors. The Board is elected from the community and membership of the Boys and Girls Band. Three positions are elected each year for a term of three years.
Executive Board
Cheryl Snyde
- Andrew Snyder
Jessica Fahey-Petrack
Bobbie Jo Bindics
Peter Petrack
Adrian Politi.
Ricky Politi
Term Expires
- 2021
- 2021

Certified Music Instructors.
Affordable fees for both group or private lessons.
Piano lessons.
Students are evaluated for “fit” with their chosen instrument before lessons begin.
Loaner instruments.
Annual scholarships; applications are available on this website.
Performance opportunities throughout the year,; concerts, parades, recitals.
If your school district has cut musical education, we can help. We offer an affordable, quality program for your child. We also successfully supplement what is offered in the public schools. Our program also works well for Home-schooled, Parochial school, or Charter school students.
For more information, you can email at LehightonBoysAndGirlsBand@gmail.com, call us at the number listed at the top of this page, or browse our website.
How it all began …
The Lehighton Boys and Girls Band initially started as a formal band called The Engine Co. #2 Boys Band on June 20, 1910 with band director Henry Reiss. On October 20, 1913, The Engine Co. #2 Boys Band became known as The Lehighton Boys Band. The Boys Band officially incorporated May of 1914. By the year 1940, the Band had already seen 140 members pass through it’s doors. In 1981, the name changed to Lehighton Boys and Girls Band when girls were allowed to join the band. That is the name by which it is still known today.
Where it all happened …
The Lehighton Boys and Girls Band has rehearsed at many different places over its lifetime. When the band was Engine Co. #2 Band, it rehearsed in the fire house. When it became the Lehighton Boys Band, it was moved from the fire house to a place called Diels Hall. Finally, the band built a structure of its own, which is called The Band Hall. This building was built in 1957 and still houses the band’s rehearsals and lessons today. A handicap ramp was later added to the front of the building in 1998.
Do you know something that we don’t ?
We are trying to document the history of the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band before we lose it entirely. To that end, we are asking everyone we know if they can provide whatever experiences and anecdotes that they may have regarding the Band. You can help by filling in the form here to send your thoughts to us. Any and all recollections of the Band, past and present, will be very greatly appreciated.
Final thoughts …
Obviously, The Lehighton Boys and Girls Band have touched many lives since originally being established. It has been, and continues to be, the goal of the band to keep this opportunity alive for any young person interested in instrumental music. It is wonderful to see such a small community provide this experience to its youth for over a 100 years. We certainly hope that we can continue to do so for the next 100 years.

Boys and Girls Band Scholarships
The purpose of scholarships offered by the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band is to provide instrumental music instruction to deserving students in grades 4 through 12. The scholarships will offset the cost of membership in the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band for a time period of either one-half year or one year.
Application forms may be obtained from the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band Music Director at the Lehighton Boys and Girls Bandhall (197 N. Sixth St., Lehighton PA 18235) during normal Bandhall hours. Please call the Bandhall at 610-377-1860 to confirm these hours. The forms are also available here.
Criteria for Selection
Recipients will be selected based in part upon, but not limited to, the following criteria.
- Applicants may be experienced musicians or beginners.
- A typewritten/computer printed essay on the topic What Participation In Band Means To Me must be submitted with the official application form. Essays should be of a length appropriate for the age of the applicant.
- The Confidential Recommendation (form available with the official scholarship application) should be completed by a music professional familiar with the applicant’s musical ability. This could be a public school music teacher or, for students not in public school, a piano teacher, choir director, or someone who has worked with the student in a musical setting. Confidential Recommendations from a member of the applicant’s family will not be considered. Multiple Confidential Recommendations will be accepted. Confidential Recommendation forms must be postmarked by the date specified on the application.
- Applicants with experience on a musical instrument must perform an audition to showcase their present musical ability. The audition will include sight-reading and will be heard by a committee made up of the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band Music Director and others as designated by the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band Board of Directors. Students who are beginners with no previous instrumental music experience will not be required to audition.
Criteria for Award Determination
- All application materials must be mailed to the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band, attn. Scholarship Committee, 197 N. Sixth St., Lehighton, PA 18235.
- All application materials (application form, essay, confidential recommendation[s]) must be postmarked no later than August 30. Materials postmarked after this date will not be considered for this year’s application.
- Auditions, if needed, will be scheduled by the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band Music Director.
- Application materials and audition results (if applicable) will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band Music Director and others as designated by the Lehighton Boys and Girls Band Board of Directors. No relatives of any applicant may serve on the committee.
- The essay, What Participation In Band Means To Me, will be considered by the committee for quality on an age appropriate basis.
- The strength of the Confidential Recommendation(s) and the audition (if applicable) will be considered equally.
- In the case of multiple highly qualified applicants the committee will hold personal interviews with the finalists.
- The decision of the committee if final.
Criteria for Maintaining Award
- Scholarship award winners must maintain regular weekly lesson attendance.
- Scholarship award winners must practice and show progress on their instrument.
- Scholarship award winners must join the performing Boys and Girls Band when deemed ready by the Music Director.
- If the above guidelines are not met the scholarship will be declared null and void.
We’d Love To Hear From You!
- Email: LehightonBoysAndGirlsBand@gmail.com
Phone # : (610) 377-1860
- Address: 197 N. 6th St., Lehighton, PA 18235